In order to stimulate the circulatory system and channel more natural nutrients for the follicles, a scalp massage is probably the best solution for anybody who wishes to grow their hair out longer. The increased blood flow ensures that the follicles have the best starting conditions for growing hair.
If you are one of those individuals whose scalp is not feeling too good then you should really consider this method of hair growth enhancement. However, since this is a technique that requires the massage of a Scalp Massage therapist, you should be ready for the visit of one such therapist at least once in a while.
Hair fall is one of the most common problems faced by people around the world. And people are increasingly opting for surgical or chemical treatments that have no guarantees. If you’re suffering from this predicament, then I’m here to tell you there are things you can do at home that have amazing results!
Hi, I’m going to guide you through how you can fight your hair loss by using the right technique to give yourself an ayurvedic scalp massage. According to Ancient Ayurveda, the fabled Shiro-abhyanga or scalp massage promotes hair growth, drains toxins from the brain, and makes hair thick and strong.
How To Scalp Massage For Hair Growth
For this ayurvedic massage, we’ll focus on stimulating the pressure points in your head that affect different functions of your body, which according to Ayurveda are called Marma points. Seat yourself in a comfortable position in a relaxed space and comb out your hair to remove any knots.
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1.Sthapani Marma

We begin with the first point also called the third eye point and strongly associated with mental stability. Massage this to release stress and promote mental clarity. This serves to put you in a relaxed frame of mind.
2. Avarta Marma
Then we stimulate the point located near the arch of the eyebrow. Massaging this will relieve tension in your eyes that is the hallmark of our screen-saturated lives.

The purpose of massaging these points is to calm your senses as you release all the tension of the day. If you have hair fall then you absolutely need to oil your hair before washing. Choose an oil that contains the raw ingredients that help combat the issue. One such hair oil I’ve recently come to like is the Indulekha Bringha Oil.
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It contains bringhraj along with neem and Brahmi that prevent hair fall and give it its strong aroma. Using this handy comb feature you can apply the oil straight to your roots and massage it in.
Give it time, the magic potion in this bottle does a great job of curbing hair loss and making your hair thicker and more lustrous. We then move to the central point at the top which is associated with control of the nervous system.
3.Adhipati Marma
Massaging it promotes blood circulation throughout the scalp, which prevents and even reverses hair loss. It also promotes restful sleep so you can recharge properly.
4.Seemant Marma

The point at the very top of your head is called the Seemant Marma. Blood flow is usually the lowest at this point on your scalp due to gravity and it tends to be a common spot for headaches and balding.
5.Krikantika Marma
This spot relieves migraines, insomnia, anxiety while spurring oxygen-rich blood to the scalp.

- Massage this point using the closed lotus technique.
- Interlock your hands, then moving them forward and backward work the point.
- You can always vary the way you massage the points.
- Any gentle stimulation will activate the blood vessels in the scalp and begin detoxifying them.
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Once you’re done massaging the scalp use the oil to moisturize the ends of your hair. Coating your hair follicles in oil keeps them hydrated and prevents dryness.
6.Vidur Marma
A relaxing way to finish up your message is to stimulate the points located behind your ears.

- Pressing these gently will relax your mind and give you a better night’s rest.
- All these techniques improve your scalp’s health and the strength of your hair follicles.
- Always ensure that you cleanse your hair afterward with a natural shampoo that’s beneficial for your hair and prevents hair fall.
Hope you’ll try this simple and effective hair fall fighting technique and experience the difference for yourself.