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In this post, Today’s I will tell you How to remove Pimple acne Marks, Sun Spots & Dark Spots From your face and body. I am Sharing with you Two cost-effective and easiest, very effective Home remedies to get rid of any types of Spots.
How To Remove DARK SPOTS
Dark spots are a problem for most people and are one of the main reasons why they are constantly looking for the best home remedies for dark spots on the face. If you also relate to these circumstances, it is high time to recognize a permanent solution to remove your dark spots and understand your complexion better. Every existing problem also has a specific root cause, which is necessary to identify it and treat it properly. Home remedies for dark spots on the face are very effective if it matches with the main cause of blemish.
The best remedy for dark spots on the face would be a topical cream or lotion that contains natural ingredients like macadamia oil, natural vitamin E, or avocado oil. Some of these components also include honey and licorice. These ingredients help in fighting the excessive production of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. Once pigmentation is reduced, it will be much easier to eliminate them completely from your skin.
Another ingredient that can effectively treat dark spots is lemon. Lemon can be used both externally and internally. It is a natural lightening ingredient that helps in removing the hyperpigmentation caused by melanin. Lemon can be used both as a topical application as well as a nighttime moisturizer.
Frist home remedy you need:
Firstly wash and peel the potato then grate it now take a clean glass bowl and add,
1 tbsp grated potato + 1/2 tsp lemon juice + 1 Vit e capsule now mix them well and ur spot removal pack is ready.
Now apply this wherever your spots are there and leave it for half an hour. And then wash your face with cold water. If ur skin is SENSITIVE then do NOT add Lemon Juice to this pack.
2 home remedy you need:
Firstly making potato juice grate a potato and with a strainer extract its juice.
Read More: ‘INSTANT Skin Brightening Milk Facial At Home Easy’>>
2 tsp potato juice+ 1 tsp Sandalwood power+ 1 vitamin C capsule.
Now in a glass bowl add all the ingredients and mix them well, and ur spot removing pack is ready. Now on your clean skin wherever spots are there apply this pack,
I love this pack that’s y I applied it all over my face. leave it for 15 minutes n then wash it off with cold water. Trust me friends if you will try any of these remedies within a month ur skin will become spotless.
To lessen dark spots, always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Because without applying sunscreen UV Rays break down collagen and elastin due to which melanin production increases and the formation of dark spots take place.
Finally, you remove In Just 7 Days – Remove DARK SPOTS, ACNE SCARS. I realize You love this post… so please share your friends-Thanks!!
So this is today’s acne pimple skincare Post if you love this “How To Remove DARK SPOTS, ACNE SCARS” Post then like and share with your friends.
Also Read: “Pimple, Acne Skincare Routine In Summer Treatment”>>
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Good post…I loved it.