How To Clean And Disinfect Electronic Devices Easy Way
Hello, today’s friend, I’ll tell you “How to clean and disinfect electronic devices Easy Way” in this post! We spend so much time with our electronic devices and it is the most overlooked in the cleaning process. So today I’ll show you how to clean and disinfect electronic devices. Here are some of the basic tools you will need for this project A microfiber cloth.
It is the finest of all fibers that make cleaning small areas, even areas invisible to the human eye, possible. Rubbing alcohol is also known as the Surgical Spirit, some cotton pads, a cleaning brush, some Q-tips, and some toothpicks.
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Cell phones
How often do we clean our cell phones?
Let’s face it, it’s literally covered with bacteria from fingerprints, sweat, and even makeup residue which is hard to see. Although you wipe down your device with the edge of your shirt or smudge the screen with your fingers. may certainly seem to tidy up your display but, there are far better methods to thoroughly clean your device.

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So here’s how to clean your cell phone To clean your display, turn off your screen, so you can see the dirt better. Using a toothpick, lightly clean around the edges of your phone, most of the dirt is filled. Then just go ahead and wipe the dirt out with a cloth. Fill a spray bottle with water and just add about 2-3 drops of rubbing alcohol, shake it well once you’re done. Just spray the solution lightly on a microfiber cloth and wipe it gently over your entire phone.
Germs don’t just bread on the phone, but also on the telephone cover, so make sure you clean that too. Do this once a week, but you can only use a dry microfiber cloth for daily cleaning. The same method applies.
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Next up is the keyboard, the most neglected electronic device. Dust, dirt, fingerprints and even spilled food particles provide a home for bacteria to thrive on your keyboard. I’m going to show you 3 ways to get rid of tiny crumbs and dirt out of the keyboard.

The 1st one is using a cleaning slime. I got this one from Amazon, You need to press a glob of slime against the keyboard and dab wherever you are trying to clean. Because of its sticky properties, it will easily pick up dust, lint or any tiny crumbs.
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The other way is using a mini vacuum, which I also got from Amazon. Just plug it straight into a USB port without requiring any external power source. Press the Power button to increase the suction power, for vacuuming heavier dirt and dust. If you don’t wish to invest in any of the above then just turn the keyboard upside down and gently tap on the backside to remove the dust.
Next use a soft brush, for gently getting into tiny crevices. Use a cotton pad dipped in rubbing alcohol to go over the surface of the keys to remove the dirt over it. Give it a good wipe, and you’ll see that the keys look clean and shiny. Then use a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and clean in between and around the keys. You will instantly see the difference.
You probably use your earphones all day, listening to your favorite tunes. But did you know how gross they can get after they’ve been in and out of your ears, and in and out of your bag, picking up dirt, bacteria, and ear wax along the way?
So here is a quick way to clean them up. Take a toothpick and start by cleaning the wax out of the earbud Once you have finished, if you still see a waxy accumulation, dip a cotton swab into rubbing alcohol, tap it off and then wipe the bud to remove anything left.

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Go ahead and wipe the outer area of the earbuds with the alcohol-dipped cotton pad. Also, don’t forget to clean the earphone wire. Be sure to clean your earphones at least once in 2 weeks.
Keeping your electronics clean will not only extends the life of your devices but also improves their overall performance. So do keep these tips in mind.
This is the “How To Clean And Disinfect Electronic Devices Easy Way” post today if you like it and share it with your friends. Comment below and tell me about this post if you like it and don’t forget to LIKE, & SHARE!