The Do’s and Don’ts During Your Menstrual Period
Hello, hi… Friends, today’s post is a little different In this post, I’ll tell you they do and don’t during your menstrual period. If you are a teenage girl or have your menstrual periods for the first time and find it difficult to talk to someone, today’s post will certainly help you as I will share the basic do’s and don’ts during your menstrual period that you must know and trust me girls, it will make your life easier.
Periods or menstruation is a normal or natural process. If we ignore little things that days cause an adverse effect on our health. Especially when teenagers have their periods 1st time and they don’t have much knowledge about it. And also feel uncomfortable to talk about it and due to this, they have to face many problems.
So today I share Do and Don’t with you During Your Menstrual Period. Where I am gonna try to solve your problems in which I will tell what you have to do or what not during your periods. As it is very informative for you which helps you to spend your period days as your normal days.
So first talk about Hygiene-
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Don’t: Don’t use your sanitary pads for more than 5 to 6 hours. As the blood starts decaying which increases the risk of infection.
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Do’s: Change your Sanitary pads after every 5 to 6 hours. Carry extra pads with you while going outside try to use cotton sanitary pads instead of plastic ones as plastic pads cause skin irritation resulting in rashes or itching.
Don’t: Try to avoid spicy or packaged foods during those days. As they contain high salt or sugar content which increases cramps problem. Reduce the intake of tea or coffee as they contain caffeine which increases pain. Also, try to avoid dairy products as they contain arachidonic acid which also increases.
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Do’s: Cramps consume complex carbs like fruits or green vegetables helps to regulate sugar levels include broccoli, banana, peanuts, or dark chocolates. These reduce your cramps problem also drink more and more water try to drink warm water which helps in reducing your pain.
Don’t: Most of you think taking more and more rest reduces cramps pain. But this is wrong although your body gets tired due to this you may feel lazy.
Do’s: Try to do exercises like yoga, meditation, or walking this may help you in feeling refresh & healthy.
Don’t: Slight pain is normal but some girls feel more pain, and they take medicines. For this taking medicines, your body gets addicted to that which may discomfort to your internal body.
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Do’s: For that, I share with you a DIY-
- 1 teaspoon jaggery + 1 Pinch Turmeric and melt it (eating).
Take this during your cramps pain this helps in reducing your pain. or you can use heating pads or fill warm water in a bottle and use it as a heating pad.
Don’t: Try to avoid white or light-colored clothes also avoid short lengths or tight clothes during those days. As you may feel uncomfortable the whole day.
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Do’s: Try to wear loose or cotton clothes you feel comfortable in that prefer dark-colored clothes. During those days which reduces the risk of bloodstain. That’s all with this video if you found it helpful then do like and share this post.
So this is today’s “The Do’s and Don’ts During Your Menstrual Period – Every GIRL Must Know” Post if you love this then like and share with your friends and family.
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